
Over the years I have spent time researching how connections, isolation, mental health and creativity effects well being. From a young age I seemed to naturally understand that humans have to work at how we connect and for some it is not straightforward or easy.

Post covid, loneliness seems more intense than ever so I set a simple weekly goal of speaking to at least 3 people I don’t know well or at all. I know many people are especially isolated even if they don’t live alone. This goal challenges me and only takes a little of my time. These little daily connections can be helpful to me and the other person in way that is really hard to quantify.

When I first moved to the UK I was desperate to connect with other metalsmiths and creatives, missing my local group of “metal heads” back home in California. So I joined the ACJ / MJN to try to meet other jewellers which turned out to be great move as I befriended a fanstastic group of humans. We critiqued eachother, set goals and exhibited together it was a special time for me personally being in a new country. After a few years years I had a baby and commuting to Manchester for a monthly hour meeting wasn’t possible anymore. Actually I had zero time to make jewellery as a new Mom. I dropped out of activity with MJN and lost many connections but kept on going with my bench work and teaching.

In 2021, my life changed completely, as I relocated to a larger studio I could teach from. Eventually I realised that I had a space I could gather 8/9 jewellery creatives for a weekend of connection and experimentation- a retreat of sorts. Kerry Gregory of Gemmology Rocks first gave me the idea of a Venn Event - getting people with overlapping talent or interest in the same room with the common goal of sharing knowledge, fun and discovering overlaps in creativity.

So in 2022 I drafted a outline explaining what I had in mind for a Venn weekend retreat and asked 4 jewellers to come and bring a friend in March 2023 as an experiment in connection. That first retreat we had creative challenges, lots of discussions about being a jeweller, sharing favourite techniques, a walk, some yoga, lovely meals and, of course, plenty of bench time while together. We all agreed it was a great way to get connected on many levels we decided it would be an annual Venn event.

Last weekend we had the 2024 Venn Retreat and oh my was it stimulating! Saturday we started by playing with laser welders (thank you Freeform Fabrications Team), experimented with crackle enamels, worked on ideas for an exhibition, and explored AI use in PR.

Sunday was a 2 hour bench challege, making a keepsake for a name drawn out of the hat during evening meal at The Herbarium (thank you lovelies), a little bit of tool making, a mini teach of flush setting and of course yoga (thank you Yoga Dragon). Everyone left feeling pretty amazing - heads buzzing with inspiration.

We all feel the benefit of connections, a little time away from business and general life for a little creative re-set was just what these jewellers needed. Thank you everyone for making it happen and being so much fun!

So what is the point of this post? I encourage you to think about the connections you love, enjoy, and need then make them happen. Ask your best mates out for adventure, call your parents and tell them they are amazing, pay something forward to a stranger, tell someone who helps you how much you appreciate them, and for goodness sake please go hug someone!

P.S. If at a loss who to hug may I suggest a nurse…. they are magical unicorns. They really deserve a hug.

Rachel Hearne